The owner of the Flow Arts Meet Up app is Ty Roachford. The data being collected on users the app is their real time location, email, phone number and conversations had within’ the app.

The users location is tracked only as long as the user is signed into the app, this data is necessary for the main functionality of the app. The sharing of location enables users to see other users real-time location and engage in a chat with them. The email in conjunction with the phone number are used to uniquely identify the user in the case that the user is banned, or must be communicated with in regards to their activity on the app. In other words, collection of the email and phone number of users helps to ensure safety and discourage app misuse.

Access to user camera and camera roll are required for the ability of users to upload images.

No third party will have access to this information. Only the owner of the app is allowed access.

Users have rights to all of their data on the app and can request to see the data associated with them at anytime. Users can also request to have the data rectified, erased, or blocked.

When this privacy policy is changed users will be notified via email that there has been such a change. Additionally, there will be a alert/notification within’ the app which notifies the user of a change made to the privacy policy.

This privacy policy is effective 2/28/2020.


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


©2025 Tyfoods For Thought

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